
In the first month after a traumatic event, it’s very common and normal to be more restless or nervous and to display more tantrums or defiant behavior. Re-experiencing the traumatic event and repeatedly trying to avoid reminders is upsetting. Also, it’s common to have difficulties sleeping and poor concentration, or to be easily startled.

Difficulties to fall asleep and to sleep through

  • Sleeping rituals are very important, in particular after a traumatic event. Try to use the same rituals as before the traumatic event (e.g. reading, listen to an audio book, podcast or music, etc.).
  • If necessary, try to find new rituals that help you to fall asleep.
  • Self-calming rituals such as a simple breathing exercise (counting to 3 while breathing in, counting to 5 while breathing out) can help if you wake up in the middle of the night.
  • Try to ensure that you have no excitement one hour before bedtime (video games, TV, etc.)
  • Ensure that you have enough regular physical exercises during the day.

Concentration problems

  • Try to understand what happens when you find it difficult to concentrate. Try to find out with if such difficulties occur in specific situations (trauma-related?).
  • You might want to inform your teacher about the traumatic event. If the teacher requires further information, you could also refer them to this website.

Excessive worries

  • Try to talk to your friends and family about worries and fears. Talking about it feels often liberating and thus helps.
  • Try to pursue your leisure-time activities and to meet your friends.
  • Try not to avoid activities or places that you liked before the event. It is helpful to re-install the same day structure as before.

Getting startled easily

  • Try to talk to your friends and family about worries and fears. Talking about it often feels liberating and thus helps.
  • Agree with your friends and parents on a specific sign by which you can let them know that you are frightened and need support.
  • Try to face fearful situations and reward yourself if you succeeded in doing so (e.g. going to the movies, meeting friends, etc.).


  • Try to talk to your friends and family about worries and fears. Talking about it often feels liberating and thus helps.
  • Try to pursue your leisure-time activities and physical activities as an outlet for your emotions and frustrations.
  • Due to heightened irritability, you can show disturbing behavior in school. You might want to inform your teacher about the traumatic event. If the teacher requires further information, you could also refer them to this website.

Tantrums, aggressiveness

  • Try to understand what you’re feeling: Are you frightened, angry or bored?
  • Try to talk to your friends and family about worries and fears. Talking about it often feels liberating and thus helps.
  • Agree with your parents on what you can do when you get angry (such as biting a pillow, using a punching bag, leaving the room for a couple of minutes to calm down, etc.).