Feeling down

In the first month after a traumatic event, it’s normal to feel down, be sad and to no longer enjoy things or activities you did before. Further, it’s common to be tired or exhausted more often than usual. Cheer-up attempts by friends and parents usually don’t succeed or are successful only in the short term.

Sadness, frequent crying

  • Sometimes it’s difficult to say what’s upsetting you. Many find it helpful to write their feelings and worries down (e.g. in a journal).
  • Try to talk to your friends and family about worries and fears. Talking about it often feels liberating and thus helps.

Social withdrawal

  • Try to meet friends and to go outdoors again as soon as possible. Studies show that social contacts play a big role in recovering from a traumatic event.
  • Try to take up your regular hobbies (sports, etc.) and outdoor activities again as soon as possible.