Aggressive/defiant behavior

A severe trauma or being prolonged or repeatedly exposed to traumatic events can constitute a violation of sense of safety and belief in the world as a safe place and consequently might lead to aggressive and/ or defiant behavior.

Aggressive behavior

  • Bullying, threatening, or hitting other children.
  • Forcing other children into sexual activities.

Serious violation of rules

  •  Defying parental prohibitions and rules (for example, staying out at night) and repeatedly run away from home, or skip school at a young age.

Destruction of property

  • Deliberately engaging in fire setting or destroying other`s property.

Lying or theft

  •  Lying for personal gain (receiving items or favors) or to avoid obligations.
  • Stealing things of nontrivial value.

Defiant behavior

  • Being very sensitive or feeling quickly annoyed by others and consequently losing your nerves.
  • Arguing with adults.


  • Agree on a sign with your friends and parents when you notice that aggressions arise. Agree on what to do when it happens (e.g., leaving the situation/room for a short amount of time to calm down).
  • Think of strategies to reduce aggressions (e.g. boxing in a pillow or punching bag).
  • Reward yourself for positive behaviors (e.g. going to the movies, meeting friends, etc.).
  • Try to use sport as an outlet for your aggressions.